The World Congress on Green Buildings 2023 in Berlin and online is a three-day event on all aspects of green buildings (roof, façade and interior greening) with the associated topics (including urban climate, rainwater management, sustainability, city of the future).
The congress will be accompanied by a trade exhibition. The exhibiting companies will also offer information in the online event.
On the third day of the congress, there will be the opportunity to take part in excursions to special projects in Berlin.
The World Congress is organised by the Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) with the support of international and national partners such as the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) and the European Federation of Green Roof & Wall Associations (EFB).
The largest congress on green buildings ever held in Europe offers, among other things:
- over 100 speakers from 29 countries
- over 50 exhibitors at the accompanying trade exhibition
- over 30 cooperation and media partnerships (associations, organisations, institutions)
- imparting knowledge on greening buildings (roof, façade and interior greening)
- Demonstration of best practice examples
- Knowledge transfer by experts from the sector from home and abroad in parallel series of lectures and discussion rounds
- Networking. Meeting point. Addressing new target groups
- Cross-thematic exchange of experience between city representatives, architects, urban planners, urban water management experts, industry and real estate representatives, manufacturers, processors, researchers, associations, politicians and other interested parties.