Friends and Supporters of the EFB
Prof. Dr. Manfred Köhler,
c/o: Univ. of Applied Sciences
Brodaer Str. 2, Postbox 110 121
17041 Neubrandenburg – Germany
Tel.: +49 395 56 93 4001
WGIN – World Green Infrastructure Network
Since 2009, the non-for-profit umbrella association WGIN has expanded globally to now represent 22 National Associations and has held ten World Green Infrastructure Congresses (WGIC). WGIN has established supportive working research committees and has an active enthusiastic board of directors representing eleven nations. Primary driver is passion and a strong united belief that our world can be developed progressively with innovation however there needs to be a balance; a respect and a synergy with NATURE. The transition from ‘grey to green infrastructure’ for building and urban design is what drives WGIN’s efforts as a collaborative global network because “vegetation makes it possible”!
SoGreen Movement
The SoGreen Movement stands for the green of nature. The living green of plants and trees, flowers and shrubs. The living green of our environment and our society. SoGreen Movement is aiming for worldwide Living Green in which we as a society provide warmth and safety, for social environment that creates supportive environmental factors for people and give them resilience. SoGreen Movement actively takes up our individual and collective responsibility to make this world a healthy prosperous Living Green for everyone. The network currently consists of ELCA, EFB, EILO, ENA, and IOB.
AIPH – International Association of Horticultural Producers
Horticulture House, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RN, United Kingdom.
AIPH – International Association of Horticultural Producers
AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers and the world’s champion for the power of plants, has, since 1948, united horticultural producers in an international community that thrives to this day. AIPH strives to reignite and uphold an appreciation of plants that we believe is a basic human instinct. Through its Green City Programme, AIPH leads global thinking on the successful integration of nature into the built environment, promotes the essential role of plants in creating vibrant urban areas, and aims to develop an international standard for green cities as well as being a focal point for green city best practice and a source of expertise.
EILO – European Interior Landscaping Organisation
EILO is an association founded by four national trade associations of Interior Landscapers: NILA (Sweden, Norway, Finland), U.N.E.P (France), Element Green (German speaking countries) and the VHG (The Netherlands). EILO’s aim is to connect professional interior landscapers to share knowledge, expertise and inspiration. By organizing Best Projects Awards and excursions it wants to generate attention and recognition for interior landscaping by celebrating the creativity, innovative potential and craftsmanship of the interior landscaping sector. Furthermore, EILO has developed into a strong partner and advocate towards adjacent sectors and sectoral organizations.
ELCA – European Landscape Contractors Association
Rond Point Robert Schuman 6, box 5
1040 Brussels, Belgium
ELCA – European Landscape Contractors Association
To promote cooperation as well as the exchange of information and experience in Europe the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) was founded in 1963. ELCA plays an invaluable role in facilitating cooperation and knowledge transfers across the entire blue-green supply chain on local, regional, national and European-wide levels. By expanding the partnerships of the Platform and bridging the gaps between blue and green industries, ELCA ensures that initiatives and innovations are not siloed, but rather, that common efforts are maximised in establishing sustainable and inclusive green cities. Demonstrating how the collaborations, training and innovations being achieved by the Platform directly support the goals of the European Commission’s Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy and proposed Nature Restoration Law, ELCA is able to push for greater policy changes in Urban Greening that will ensure a greener Europe for tomorrow.
ENA – European Nurserystock Association
Kortrijksesteenweg 1144J, B-9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Belgium
ENA – European Nurserystock Association
The European Nurserystock Association represents nursery stock growers’ organisations all over Europe. European organisations representing nursery stock producers established ENA for closer economic, social and cultural cooperation at the international level; conscious of their responsibility towards the nursery stock profession and being attentive to work for a better world supplying plants for all purposes and regions. Through its professional member-organisations the ENA represents at an international level the common interests of growers and traders of hardy nursery stock products, including perennials. ENA also tries to be a platform for exchanging knowledge between members. The other main goal is to represent and actively defend the nurseries interests at an international level, mainly at the European Union institutions.
IFLA Europe
IFLA Europe – European Region of International Federation of Landscape Architects
Rue Général Tombeur 81 bus WAO 23, 1040 Brussel, Belgium
IFLA Europe – European Region of International Federation of Landscape Architects
IFLA Europe is a not‐for‐profit organisation that represents, supports and promotes the unique and stand‐alone profession of landscape architecture across Europe recognising excellence in educational courses and promoting best practice operations in all member countries, contributing to international discourse, shaping and disseminating European initiatives, facilitating the exchange of information, whilst promoting excellence in professional practice, education and research culminating in a culturally rich, diverse and sustainable Europe. It also strives to enhance the quality of landscape planning, monitoring and management in collaboration with the European Union, Council of Europe, UN and any other related organisations.
IOB – International Organization for Natural Bathing Waters
D-28217 Bremen, Germany
IOB – International Organization for Natural Bathing Waters
The International Organization for Natural Bathing Waters (IOB) is an umbrella organization representing 12 national swimming pond organizations as well as individuals and companies that deal primarily with planning and construction of natural swimming pools. Objectives of the IOB are the promotion and distribution of natural bathing waters with fully biological water purification. IOB supports the member associations from various countries through exchange of experience on planning, construction and operation of semi-natural bathing waters, and by publishing all kind of information. IOB organizes conferences and seminars, coordinating the training and retraining of the national associations as well as the biennial International Congress for natural bathing water. Regarding the international aspects IOB supports and promotes investigation and research related to the subject of natural bathing water.
World Urban Parks
World Urban Parks
Level 1 29 Brandon Street
Wellington 6022, New Zealand
Tel: +1 780 644 6976
WUP – World Urban Parks
World Urban Parks is the organisation to go to for international advice, support and getting connected with urban parks, open space and recreation issues, people and activity. WUP combines the experience of its members and partners with opportunities to help build urban parks leadership and bring about significant improvements in cities where rapid urbanisation is occurring. It emerged first as the International Federation of Parks and Recreation Administration (IFPRA) at the first international Congress of the Institute of Parks Administration in London in 1957.
H2020 project metabuilding
METABUILDING is an innovation ecosystem.
The members of METABUILDING bring opportunities and innovation to the built environment sector. METABUILDING’s focus is connecting stakeholders (small-medium enterprise’s to public bodies and large companies) from different sectors in order to create an integrated value chain.
The METABUILDING platform is the digital backbone.
The METABUILDING platform consists of several digital tools and services that help SME’s and other stakeholders engage in successful innovation. In this platform you will find services and information that will assist you in finding existing innovative technologies ready to deployed or project partners seeking collaboration on new exciting projects.
H2020 project consortium proGIreg
ProGIreg uses nature for urban regeneration with and for citizens! The project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme and will run from June 2018 until 2023. ProGIreg stands for ‘productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration’: nature for renewal. As front-runner cities, Dortmund (Germany), Turin (Italy), Zagreb (Croatia) and Ningbo (China) host Living Labs in post-industrial districts where nature-based solutions are developed, tested and implemented. Global cities working together: Cascais (Portugal), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Piraeus (Greece) and Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) closely follow the progress in the Living Labs and engage in city-to-city exchange to replicate the nature-based solutions. EFB is very proud to engage itself as partner of the project.
Germain Adell
67 rue de Mirambeau
64600 Anglet – France
Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 03 61 29
H2020 project Nature4Cities
Nature4Cities is a H2020 EU-funded project, creating a comprehensive reference Platform for Nature Based Solutions (NBS), offering technical solutions, methods and tools to empower urban planning decision making. This will help addressing the contemporary environmental, social and economic challenges that face European Cities. We will bring Nature back into innovation, planning and their implementation. This new governance implies new collaborative models driven by citizens, researchers, policy makers, and industry leaders, utilizing co-creation processes and sharing of Best Practice. Thus, the goal for implementation Projects is a positive balance between economic, environmental and societal benefits and costs. EFB is very proud to be able to supply Nature4Cities project on demand with pan-European expertise und greening buildings. is an independent organisation set up by Dusty Gedge in 2002 to promote green roofs and living walls in urban areas in the UK and around the world. The organisation has been a member of the EFB from 2006 until 2020 as the UK representative. In 2020 the Green Roof Orgnaisation (gro) was founded and became offical EFB member. Dusty Gedge is the current president of the EFB, an office he has held since 2008. is a rich resource providing news, analysis and in-depth research into the latest innovations in green roof and wall technology and developments in the industry, from contractors and suppliers to large-scale developers.