Carbon Footprint Policy Accelerator conference


7. November 2023 – 8. November 2023 all-day
Research Institute for Sustainabilty - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Villa (Ballroom)
Berliner Straße 130 D-14467 Potsdam

Carbon Footprint Policy Accelerator conference

The industry and construction need to rapidly decarbonize.We are currently seeing the emergence of public and private procurement limiting embodied carbon in building products and mandatory regulations specifying maximum allowable thresholds for whole lifecycle carbon in buildings and batteries (1). Such policies could create lead markets for radical low/zero carbon innovation. Mandatory maximum carbon footprint thresholds for products could also provide important complements or alternatives to border carbon adjustments, helping to tackle carbon leakage and thus to increase overall climate policy ambition (2).The first Carbon Footprint Policy Accelerator conference will take place on 7-8 November in Potsdam, Germany, to learn about the recent emergence of carbon footprint policies. Inputs from key people involved with the Buy Clean movement in the USA (public procurement of building products) and mandatory maximum carbon threshold standard setting for buildings in Denmark and the Netherlands will be complemented with interactive sessions on the limitations and potentials of these approaches and the transfer of lessons learnt. A particular focus is on the potential for coordinating efforts across cities, regions, countries and the public-private divide to rapidly scale up lead markets for low/zero carbon products, buildings and infrastructures.Draft conference agenda: from the speakers and facilitators, there will also be representatives from many other organisations relevant to this debate, for example from: Agora Industry, Bellona, Building Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), C40 Cities, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance (CNCA), Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), European Commission, European Environmental Bureau, German Energy Agency, German Environment Agency, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Low Carbon Construct Forum, Saint Gobain, SETA Network, Stora Enso, UNEP, UNOPS, University of Strathclyde, Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl, and the World Green Building Council.

Registration links are here:In-person:

Footnotes:1) Peiseler, L., Bauer, C., Beuse, M., Wood, V., Schmidt, T.S., 2022. Toward a European carbon footprint rule for batteries. Science 377, 1386-1388.Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2023 concerning batteries and waste batteriesSteinmann, J., Röck, M., Lützkendorf, T., Allacker, K., Den, X.L., 2022. Whole life carbon models for the EU27 to bring down embodied carbon emissions from new buildings. Review of existing national legislative measures. Ramboll, Brussels.2) Grubb, M., Jordan, N.D., Hertwich, E., Neuhoff, K., Das, K., Bandyopadhyay, K.R., van Asselt, H., Sato, M., Wang, R., Pizer, W.A., Oh, H., 2022. Carbon Leakage, Consumption, and Trade. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 47, 753-795., N., Bleischwitz, R., 2020. Legitimating the governance of embodied emissions as a building block for sustainable energy transitions. Global Transitions 2, 37-46.