Adivet conference on “Green building and water management”
On October 10, at the Auditorium of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, Adivet is organizing a conference on “Green buildings and water management”.
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Climate change is leading to less frequent but more intense rainfall events, as well as periods of drought and high temperatures, posing numerous problems, particularly in dense urban environments.
What role can vegetation play in this context?
Under what conditions and within what limits?
What are the prospects for the future?
Speakers from a variety of backgrounds will offer their insights, analyses and experiences on this issue. The day will also provide an opportunity for convivial exchanges.
9:30 – Introduction and welcome / French Ministry of Ecological Transition
9:45 – Opening address by P. Cazeneuve, Member of Parliament for Hauts-de-Seine, member of the French National Assembly’s Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning Commission.
10:00 – Climate change by Selim Kebir, meteorological engineer at Météo-France, Chief Regional Forecaster for the Ile-de-France region.
10:20 – Water management issues
1 – Background by Jean-Jacques Hérin, President and co-founder of ADOPTA (Association pour le Développement Opérationnel et la Promotion des Techniques Alternatives) and President of the Hauts de France section of Astee.
2 – Regulations and associated issues by Charly Duperrier, Direction Régionale et Interdépartemental de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et des Transports d’Ile-de-France, in charge of coordinating government departments in the Ile-de-France region in the implementation of public policies on wastewater treatment and stormwater management.
3 – On a city scale by Pierre-Antoine Versini, researcher at the Hydrology, Meteorology and Complexity laboratory at École des Ponts (HM&Co – ENPC)
11:40 – Building greening and water management
1 – Vegetated buildings and the water cycle: substrate, plants, how they function during a rainy episode by Philippe Faucon, horticultural engineer, in charge of studies at CRITT Horticole, and David Ramier, urban hydrology researcher at Cerema.
2 – Rational use of water on roofs: irrigation, reuse of rainwater, use of grey water, by Vincent Trottet, France Arrosage, Cédric Fontaine, founder-manager of Fontaine Ingénierie, and Gaëlle Bulteau, engineer with the CSTB Water Division.
3 – Solutions: illustrated by case studies
4 – Financial assistance from water agencies by Sébastien Derieux, operations manager specializing in the Paris and Hauts-de-Seine regions, Seine-Normandie water agency.
15:40 – Round table: what kind of water management for tomorrow? Moderated by Adeline Dionisi, editor-in-chief of Etanchéité.info and, she will be joined by Gaëlle Bulteau, Nathalie Leroy, project manager at Arte Charpentier and leader of the landscape unit within the Territoires division, Jean-Christophe Aguas, R&D director at Sommer Environnement, and a representative from the French Ministry of Ecological Transition (to be confirmed).
16:40 – The GreenRoofScore, a tool for assessing the ecosystemic performance of green roofs, will be presented by Adivet.
17:00- Closing address by Christian Piel, CEO of Urbanwater
17:20 – Conclusion by Frédéric Madre (President of Adivet)