The EFB started a series of online seminars to introduce the audience to various topics concerning green roofs and walls. These include important topics such as the combination of green roofs an photovoltaik, the impact on biodiversity, the succesful implementation of green infrastructure in various regions as well as the quality assurance of these.

Sponsored by Optigrün international AG, Rain Bird Corporation and 6 Fürs Grün GmbH

Sponsored by Sempergreen Group & Dachgrün GmbH & greencity WALL
Seminars & Trainings
Here you can find an overview of seminars, educational programs and trainings in the field of building greening.
Country | Titel | Description / Topic | Language | Link | |
Austria | Weiterbildung | The green qualification program is an effective modular training system for all persons who want to complete a quality-assessed competence extension in the field of building greening (roof, façade and interior greening) and green/blue infrastructure in the context of buildings/settlements/towns | German | Online | Link to the Course |
Belgium | Building high quality Green roofs and walls | Building green roofs & walls - Building high quality Green roofs and walls | Dutch | Physical presence | Link to the Course |
Europe | Nature-based Urban Regeneration | Massive open online course (MOOC) - This course shares knowledge generated in urban Living Labs in Europe and China and will introduce you to co-designing, co-implementing and evaluating nature-based solutions for urban renewal with local communities. Learn how to set up your own nature-based regeneration strategy. | English | Online | Link to the MOOC |
France | Designing greenroofs | Technical course about designing green roofs | French | Physical presence | Link to the Course |
France | How to design and implement building green infrastructures | Technical course on how to design and implement building green infrastructures | French | Physical presence | Link to the Course |
Germany | Orientation and specialised seminars on green roofs and facades | Theoretical principles of building greening: framework conditions, planning principles for construction and vegetation technology and key data on the most important forms of roof and façade greening; always with reference to the applicable standards and guidelines. | German | Online | Link to the Seminars |
Scandinavia | Green roofs - basic concept and use | University course - Green roofs - basic concept & use | Swedish | Online | Link to the Course |
Serbia | Susret na zeleno krovu | Green roof visit & meet-up | Serbian | Physical presence | Link to the program |
Serbia | Green wall intro | Intro webinar - Green wall intro | English & Serbian | Online | Link to the webinar |
Spain | Ciudades verdes | This course develops the concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in urban design and planning as a tool to achieve healthy, resilient and sustainable cities. With this course, you will learn how these solutions can contribute to the restoration and rehabilitation of our spaces, providing a greater capacity to adapt and cope with the effects of climate change. In addition to acquiring concrete tools, you will be part of an extensive learning community made up of professionals from academia and public and private organizations. | Spanish | Hybrid - Physical presence & online | Link to the MOOC |
Spain | Agroecologia Urbana | Seminar - agroecologia urbana | Spanish | Online | Link to the Seminars |
Sweden | Green Roof Summer Course Malmö | Lectures on planning, systems, warehousing, installation and maintenance of extensive and intensive green roofs. Full-scale installation of a green roof at Augustenborg's botanical roof garden. Study trip in the Malmö region, including a guided tour of Eco-City Augustenborg and its unique sustainable open stormwater system. Workshops on substrates, planting, risk and safety etc. | English | Physical presence (on site) | Link to the Course |
UK | DYI Green Roof Guide | This online guide is designed to meet the needs of DIY enthusiasts looking to put a green roof on a shed or outhouse, builders and landscaper contractors who want to build green roofs. | English | Online | Link to the training |
D - A - CH | Urban Climate Architect | The Video (600min) includes topics like urban climatology, green and blue infrastructure and greenpass. The training is avaiable at a one-off, low costs. | German | Online (video on demand) | Link to the training |