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Associazione Italiana Verde Pensile (AIVEP)
The AIVEP (Italian Green Roof Association) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that promotes all national activities of green roofs (extensive and intensive), green facades and other technology with greenery-related functions in architecture.
AIVEP – Italian Green Roof Association – was founded in 1997 to:
– Aggregate all those who work professionally and scientifically in the field of green roofs or are interested in the topic of green roofs to combine resources and energies.
– Create synergies in research and dissemination of technical design, implementation and maintenance of green roofs. AIVEP is a member of the EFB European Federation of National Associations
The Italian Association AIVEP has published a guideline for green facades in 2023.
The Association has the following objectives
– disclosure of the technical realizations of green roof professionals. These techniques constitute the modern discipline that applies, in a scientifically-sound manner, the most innovative methodologies to achieve and maintain a stable green roof on different types of roofing, consistently with the standard UNI 11235: “guidelines for the design, execution, inspection and maintenance of green roofs”;
– qualification of green roofs;
– awareness of the central and local institutions; adoption of new resolutions and directives that encourage the development of green roofs; application of the existing rules;
– creating links with other associations that work to protect the environment and the development of green infrastructure.
Since this is a cross-discipline that uses data and knowledge from various scientific and professional members, AIVEP belong to different professions and sectors:
Agronomists, architects, forestry industry, engineers, landscape architects, technicians, systems manufacturing companies, companies producing components running specialists, nurserymen, gardeners teachers, public and private institutions, environmentalists and nature lovers.