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Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e. V. (BuGG)
Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) is a merger of the two previously independently acting well-established associations Deutscher Dachgärtner Verband e.V. (DDV) and Fachvereinigung Bauwerksbegrünung e.V.(FBB).
Joining forces into one strong association (since 17.05.2018) aims at avoiding double work and investments, and with joined competences of both associations we can act in a more targeted way and increase our impact. BuGG operates both as professional organisation and advocacy group for companies, communities, universities, organisations and all parties interested in building greening (green roofs, green walls and interior greening).
At present, BuGG has about 570 members from various trades and industries that are busy with green roofs, green walls and interior greening. As a primary target, BuGG aims at presenting the advantages and possibilities of building greening in front of the widest audience possible. Acting as federal association Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V., we have opportunities to create a positive framework and environment „pro green“ that are closed to individual companies.
- Increasing the building greening market (increase of direct and indirect funding, building greening must be taken as granted)
• BuGG is the first contact partner in building greening
• Working on image and public relations of building greening
• Initial information and argumentation for architects and building owners
• Technical competence, professional brochures, comments on guidelines
• Market knowledge: data, facts and figures on the German market
• Exchange of experiences and cooperation with neighbouring associations („cross-association Alliance on Building Greening“), including the German speaking associations from Austria and Switzerland
• Networking services, exchange of experiences
• Practical working aids for members
Strengths and success modules of BuGG
Networking an expertise:
•Members from different sectors of green roofs, green walls and interior greening: A multitude of opinions and ideas allow a broad exchange of experiences, and an extensive coverage of wide range of topics
• Project groups, foreign affairs, scouts, ambassadors
• Cooperation with other trade associations: BGL, ZVG, BDLA, BDA, DGNB, DWA
• Collaboration with and contacts to policymakers
• Research projects
• BuGG contributes to FLL guidelines
• Professional website (including social media): www.gebaeudegruen.info
• Newsletter “GebäudeGrün-eNews“. Registration: https://www.gebaeudegruen.info/kontakt/newsletter-anmeldung/newsletter-anmeldung
• Working brochures and fact sheets on various fields of specialisation and topics, for example:
– “BuGG-Market report“: annual, exclusive figures published (internal member survey and
survey of cities and communities)
– Safe Trade Separation
– Basics of Green Roofs
– Guidelines for Local Authorities/Municipal Green Roof Strategies
– List of root-proof membranes and coatings (“WBB-list”)
– Discussion sheet “Nationwide Strategy on Building Greening“
• Trade magazine “GebäudeGrün” (4 issues p.a.)
• Organisation and implementation of symposium and forums, e.g. nationwide seminars Green Roof Forum and Green Wall Forum throughout Germany
• Presence at trade fairs e.p. GaLaBau, BAU, Inolope Expo, ISH, “Klimafestival“
• annual congress on a specific topic
• regular World Congress in Berlin
• Green Building campaign week
• Annual BuGG-Award Green Roof, Green Wall and Interior Greening