effects and basics for planning and implementation
This time, the EFB online webinar focused on the topic of green wall technologies.
Green facades are gaining more and more interest. Nevertheless, their positive impacts and benefit are strongly underrated, and experiences are not that well distributed. Therefore, experienced experts would like to introduce the audience to the technology and benefits of green facades, explain the basics for planning and implementation and show some good practice examples to motivate everyone to install more green walls all around the world.
Find useful information in the brochures about building greening listed down below:
- Fachinformation „Positive Wirkungen von Gebäudebegrünungen (Dach-, Fassaden- und Innenraumbegrünung)“
- Fassadenbegrünungsrichtlinien – Richtlinien für die Planung, Bau und Instandhaltung von Fassadenbegrünungen, 2018
- BuGG-Market Report on Building Greening 2020
- Façade-Greening Guideline of the City of Vienna
- bestpractice examples
- Technology information
- All in One System: BeRTA
This webinar was supported by: Sempergreen Vertical Systems, Dachgrün GmbH & greencityWALL
The speakers
Projekt manager
Innovation and Research Lab GRÜNSTATTGRAU, Austria
Project work consultant
German association of building greening
Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V., Germany (BuGG)