About GoNatutePositive!
GoNaturePositive! is a collaborative initiative backed by the European Commission dedicated to accelerating awareness and transformative action towards a nature-positive economy among policymakers, investors, businesses and wider society.
Our partners have come together to address key systemic challenges through research, demonstration and transformational leadership.
The consortium
GoNaturePositive! is coordinated by Trinity College Dublin and involves 20 partners across 14 countries, represented by research institutions, non-profits and environmental organisations who are leading the nature-positive agenda at global and European levels.
Core partners & affiliates
Trinity College Dublin
Oxford University
ICLEI Europe
Horizon Nua
Ecologic Institute
2 Degrees Investing Initiative
LGI Sustainable Innovation
Aarhus Universitet
World Benchmarking Alliance
Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek
Voedsel Anders
ICLEI Colombia
Felicidad Collective
Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdes (ANCV)