The World Green Infrastructure Congress WGIC 2023 will take place from the 27th – 29th of June 2023 in Berlin (and online): 2 days of specialist congress plus 1 day of excursions.
The congress preparations are in full swing, the main focus now is to complete the program and prepare the accompanying trade exhibition.
With the greetings of the Federal Minister for Building Klara Geywitz and the State Secretary Dr. Silke Karcher (Berlin Senate Department for Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection), as well as the keynotes of the architect Christoph Ingenhoven from Duesseldorf, who set marks with the object KöBogen 2 and the French botanist and “inventor” of the vertical gardens Patrick Blanc there will be a fulminanten congress prelude on June 27, 2023 in Berlin.
Following the keynotes, we will divide into 5 parallel series of lectures with about 80 presentations.
Take a look and get in the mood for the World Green Infrastructure Congress WGIC 2023 and see what you can expect!
Early bird registration
Registrations are still possible until 31st January 2023 at the early bird rate. Take advantage of the favorable discount for members!
Call for Paper
Experts from research and education and from the ranks of members can still apply for company- and product-neutral presentations via the “Call for Paper” until 31st January 2023.
Accompanying trade exhibition/sponsoring
Companies around the topics of greening buildings, climate protection, climate change, who want to present their products, systems and services, can book exhibitor spaces in various sizes. There are still spaces available, but interested parties should not wait too long to make their bookings – just over 30 exhibitors are currently taking up around 70% of the available space.
Sponsors and congress partners
The organizer is the Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG), supported by international (World and European Association, Austrian and Swiss Building Green Association) and national (Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportsplatzbau, Patzer Verlag) partners.
The World Congress is further supported by numerous gold and silver sponsors such as ACO, Bauder, GDL Belke, Urbanscape Knauf Insulation, Mobilane, Novotegra, Optigrün, Sky Roofers, Triflex, Wavin, Wagner/Weiss + Appetito, Zinco and Berliner Regenwasseragentur, BMI-Group, Carl Stahl, Cloud Garden, Flor-design Wand, Kraiburg Relastec, Sempergreen, Verticalgreendesign.
Advertising for the congress
The World Green Infrastructure Congress WGIC 2023 is of great importance for all of us and must be such a success that the press and politicians can no longer ignore the topic!
Please already inform your members and your other distribution list about the early bird rate!
Central contact person for the World Congress at BuGG
Your central contact for all kinds of the questions is Sylvia van Meegen, who already organized the successful World Congress in 2017 (then still under the FBB flag). E-mail:
If you need accommodation, you will find an overview of the call-off contingents here
We look forward to your participation!