

New book:


(WGIN and PRONATUR, April 2019)

Along 352 pages the publications includes 17 chapters with 30 authors from 17 countries. There is a special section, which describes international and national organization from 30 countries. Photography color, tables and graphics facilitate the lecture and understanding of the topic green urban infrastructure.

Green infrastructure has become a hot topic all around the globe; this book can help to expand your knowledge about the associated benefits. Combining construction with plants and incorporating their functionality into the architectural design is today much more accepted than years ago.

This publication is an insight view of several pioneer projects and some detailed solutions, which are worth replicating or adapting to other climates, regions or cultures.

Green infrastructure offers some answers to several of today’s big questions and urban problems like urban heat island mitigation, rain water management and biodiversity, and last but not least, Green roofs and all other green structures are very enjoyable if they are well done.

Green Urban Infrastructure has both a direct and indirect multifunction. Some of them are visible in the short run: energy saving, water management, recreation, food supply and healthy environment among others.

The present publication describes some functions with an indirect effect in the long run.  While direct function are easy to identify, evaluate and measure, it is more difficult to do it with the indirect ones. Frequently, these indirect functions are hidden or forgotten by our society (biomimicry, botanic research). Therefore, there are some barriers to expose clear arguments to the citizenship and get resources for their activities.

Consequently it is very important to explain to public opinion the relevant role of green urban infrastructure in our daily life. Politician, technicians and functionaries should have clear ideas about all their dimensions in order to improve urban life.

One of our goals has been to emphasize the importance of green urban infrastructures for a sustainable horizon of our cities, with a description of practical examples in some countries. Finally, there are some guide lines for the reader, about national and international organizations of green urban infrastructures, to stimulate getting in touch with colleagues, professionals and academics

How to order

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Editorial Agricola Madrid

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